Technological innovations are now present in every field of knowledge, with their pros and cons.
Technology gives us a lot and also takes a lot from us, but this is not the place to deal with this delicate issue.
We at SkyLevel, for the design of the New World, have taken some fundamental "ingredients" of technology to forge not only new and innovative functional structures, but also and above all new concepts and their uses.
The patents of the Seismic Hybrid and the Hydroelectric Turbine, to which are added further inventions, project a vision on the immanent future that needs solutions in step with a world in constant transformation.
These new ingenious tools are waiting to find useful and advantageous applications thanks also to potential partners who want to collaborate with us.
For this reason, we invite companies operating in the innovative fields of Construction, Urban Furniture, the Environment in a broad sense to invest in the creation and production of our patents.
Associations and all political categories that deal with environmental protection can also make a great contribution.
The potential for development and benefits is enormous.
The anti-seismic construction system that our research group is proud to express today for its incredible innovative potential, contemplates a real revolution in the field not only of industrialized construction, but also and above all in the civil engineering sectors.
The anti-seismic hybrid pursues the goal of changing the concepts of building, modifying and attributing new meanings to the ways of understanding the structural elements as never happened in past history.
Starting from a different "vision" of construction than the classic ones, a new way of conceiving any building was born, equipping it with surprising properties that will soon not go unnoticed by the first investors who want to benefit from the product in terms of time.
An example?
When designing and then constructing a frame-type building, first the structural frame is created, characterized by beams and pillars resting on the foundations and only subsequently the closing walls.
In the case of the anti-seismic hybrid, the opposite occurs: first the structure is assembled and then the internal frame is made!
This already says it all about the extraordinary innovation capable of modifying the DNA of the classic concept of structure by enhancing it in terms of safety, assembly speed, duration of the building, compositional freedom and eco-sustainability.
The Anti-seismic Hybrid was designed for the construction of structures with a septum / frame type and also frame buildings using special precautions.
Furthermore, public and private structures and industrial buildings that could be built with this methodology would be able to reach large dimensions and high heights.
The schematic video attached to the following report can give an idea of the incredible potential of the system taking into account a partition structure.
Its innovative heart
The earthquake cannot be overcome by force but rather with intelligence.
To oppose it by force is useless and dangerous, "riding it" is certainly wiser.
This physical condition can be obtained thanks to the collaboration of two extremely light, tough, versatile building materials, suitable for the construction of buildings of various kinds in areas with medium and high seismicity, such as steel and wood.
Despite the idyllic partnership between steel and wood, thanks to the incredible metal frame of the Seismic Hybrid, wood can be replaced by other building materials such as brick and reinforced concrete panels and others depending on the materials available in loco.
"Riding" the earthquake means dissipating its destructive energy by allowing movements of the building calculated by means of dissipation zones defined as "plastic hinges".
First great innovation
The anti-seismic structures conceived with this methodology have a very high number of plastic hinges with the function of minimizing or even eliminating the elastic-plastic deformations on structural elements such as pillars, beams, floors, roofs.
This structural condition is made possible by the fact that the dissipation points no longer concern the usual dissipators often used in contemporary anti-seismic buildings, but rather “plastic joints” positioned in particular areas not yet covered in the anti-seismic literature.
Buildings to be built with our system no longer require invasive traditional heat sinks and allow maximum architectural freedom.
In this way, "boxes" are created, with the function of dissipating the inertial actions "roto-translating" between them in order to dissipate the seismic energy and avoid the phenomenon of resonance.
The structure, during its possible responses to seismic actions, is no longer considered only in its entirety, but is broken down into many self-reacting boxes.
We are in the presence of "boxing" within the "general boxing" phase of the entire structure.
Second great innovation
We know how alienating it is to live in environments subjected to noise pollution due to the transmission of noise through the various parts of the building.
The anti-seismic hybrid acoustically insulates every structural "box" already in the assembly phase by means of suitable dissipating bands that surround the "boxes".
Again thanks to these dissipating bands, the "ring" effect of the "Faraday cages" does not originate and, therefore, internal electromagnetic fields are not generated that can interfere with the naturally occurring EMFs coming from the outside.
Third great innovation
The site remains completely clean and as can be seen from the short video, the speed of assembly of these structures, on already prepared foundations, is extraordinary and requires very few workers, a crane for positioning the panels and simple screwdrivers for their fixing !!
In this regard, we believe that there is no safer and faster assembly system in the world!
The construction panels, caged with the particular steel frame, have been designed to be easily transportable and without any damage as they are stiffened on the edges.
From all this follows the high reduction in the construction costs of these structures.
All in the company / studio
The construction of the panels making up the final building must take place in the company and it is certainly cheaper from an economic point of view that all systems are also integrated with the panels.
On the construction site, in addition to the assembly of the structural panels, the finishes should also be made.
In any case, it would be possible to create both the systems and the finishes on site.
Fourth great innovation
In the company, the structural panels would be assembled with the help of trolleys and hoists and the material making up the panels themselves would be imported by the respective manufacturing companies.
For example, in the case of steel and wood, the steel profiles would come from the iron and steel industries and the wooden panels from large woodworking companies. Therefore, high speed of realization and little investment for the purchase of machinery. The design studios within the company or from other realities would carry out the projects of the buildings to be built on computer media, and the company staff should simply check the feasibility of the projects before sending them to the manufacturing partner companies.
The anti-seismic hybrid project has been viewed by authoritative engineers experts in anti-seismic construction who have expressed more than positive opinions, but at present the project is not yet certified as it is necessary to experiment on the vibrating table by an institution authorized.
we invite construction companies interested in our anti-seismic structure to contact us as soon as possible
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